Will a Silent Retreat bring up all my trauma? Nov 2023

This is the 2nd of my articles on our Silent Yoga Retreat coming up soon on the 22/3/24 – 24/3/24 in Springbrook, QLD. When I started teaching yoga there were a couple of profound teachers that influenced my path. Jack Kornfield, one of Americas first Buddhist monks, talked about how on his first training at a… Continue reading Will a Silent Retreat bring up all my trauma? Nov 2023

The relief of not having to explain yourself Nov 2023

Have you ever socialised with a group of people very different from yourself? A different nationality perhaps, a different social class, a different educational or career context?  Conversation can be quite laboured, particularly in the beginning, because, for the sake of understanding each other, you must give a background precis: some context, to the point… Continue reading The relief of not having to explain yourself Nov 2023